January 25, 2015 / Blog / posted by Bankai
A colossal shift in mobility space is in the offing; with the marrying together of messaging and commerce, former being the proven veteran of the telecom industry, while latter a new entrant, grabbing routine attention at telecom and financial innovation forums. Read this for example – a third of facebook users will be able to order food, buy products and...
January 10, 2015 / Blog / posted by Bankai
VoIP market has been one of the fastest growing markets in the world, in recent times. While, mobile technology changed the way we work and live, IP is the emerging technology to bring forth further changes in how people interact and communicate. With communication services now moving towards an IP focused environment, there has been significant development in building and...
December 15, 2014 / Blog / posted by Bankai
Myanmar is one of the last frontiers of the world. After having opened to free market in the recent past, telecom and banks are 2 of the most booming sectors. Recently I was having with discussions with a bank in Myanmar over their plans for mobile commerce. With the rudimentary nature of digital services in this country, NFC as a...
December 10, 2014 / Blog / posted by Bankai
The woes of telecom operators continue unabated – dwindling revenues, saturated market space and south bound margins just to name a few. For telcos’, the writing is on the wall – revenue from traditional sources are declining & bulk of the future growth is going to be driven by new access technologies like VoIP, VoLTE and Mobile data.  VoIP...telcos' redeemer?...
November 16, 2014 / Blog / posted by Bankai
Sometime in the early 90s My father walks-in home one evening beaming. Not every day would he return from work in such a tremendous mood, but that particular day was clearly different. He was upbeat about something. As inquisitive children, we wanted to know the reason behind and partake in the happiness. After a lot of prodding, he stylishly fished...
October 2, 2014 / Blog / posted by Bankai
Africa is one of the fastest growing regions today in the world. After the 2008 global recession when demand for technology products and services in the developed markets went down, technology firms across the world have focused more on Emerging markets like Africa. While this gives African businesses access to technology which helps in their growth, it is important that...
September 1, 2014 / Blog / posted by Bankai
Mobile Finance – The Need for Optimized, Flexible Software Solutions Which Cover All Market Segments Technology is one of the foremost enablers of inclusive growth in societies. The biggest example of this is Mobile Technology unlocking the growth potential of hitherto underdeveloped societies. In the world of Mobile Technologies, the Mobile Finance area has contributed greatly towards inclusive growth in...