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Meet Bankai at AWC 2022

Americas Wholesale Congress (AWC) 2022 is set to be held in Miami, USA on the 17th & 18th March 2022 to focus on the development of the telco community. The event is gathering the entire industry with participants from all areas of the Americas & Caribbean telecoms wholesale community including Tier 1, 2, and 3 carriers, mobile/wireless operators, ISPs, VoIP providers, and technology partners from the voice, data, satellite, sub-sea, and fixed-line markets. Explore new partnership opportunities, establish new connections via AWC’s messaging system, an online meeting planning and contact system for 15 Days before AWC and two months after, which allows them to maximize the opportunities at AWC.
Bankai will mark its attendance as a Gold Sponsor and Exclusive Sponsor of the Cocktail of the AWC at Booth – 1 at Hotel Colonnade, Coral Gables – Miami. We are looking forward to meaningful interactions and the chance to exhibit our flagship telecom service offerings including wholesale and retail voice as well as International SMS Hubbing platform, SMS Firewall, Automated Carrier Platform – BridgeVoice Pluto, Revenue Management Solutions, Network Switching Solutions, Monitoring Solutions, Fraud Management Solution and more.
For 30years, Bankai has worked relentlessly providing telecom and Fintech solutions that have evolved over the years to meet the dynamic demands of new-age customers and businesses owners. Stop by and let us introduce you to our personalizing services loaded with innovative features that deliver operational efficiencies while bringing formative technology to your enterprises.
We look forward to meeting you.
